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Fit for the future with solar power systems

Satisfied private customers give their feedback



Saving energy is the order of the day. Every solar panel on the roof of a house translates into a lower electricity bill and brings more independence from oil and gas.

Such installation projects can be quite demanding for the client due to new regulations and rapid technical progress. This makes it all the more important to have a reliable and competent partner at your side for these projects.




Outstanding quality for industrial and private customers
For years now, the HSE-team at BT-Anlagenbau’s HVAC Division, has been convincing its customers with premium quality from the first contact to handover and system maintenance. Personal support and expert advice ensure complete satisfaction among clients. In this respect, the
HSE-team not only helps with the realisation of industrial systems and residential construction projects, but is above all a competent contact for private customers.


Solar power for your home
Among these are three private customers who have recently used solar power systems to make their homes fit for the future: Michael Kohlmaier and Gerald Griebler from Raaba-Grambach and Alexander Langer from Autal bei Laßnitzhöhe. 21 modules were installed in the two first single-family homes and 30 modules on two strings of different orientation in the second. These solar power systems now deliver 7.98 kWp or 12.3 kWp.


Satisfied customers
All three private customers are fully satisfied with their new solar power systems and their installation by the HSE-team. Alexander Langer was surprised that the installation was completed faster than expected and is also enthusiastic about the clean and professional way the HSE-team works. For Michael Kohlmaier, the supplied app, which can be used to monitor the entire system, is particularly convincing due to its user-friendliness.
Gerald Griebler as well as the two other new customers wholeheartedly recommend the


