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The HSE-team completes solar power project at Magirus Lohr.
BT-Anlagenbau works with EPLAN Pro Panel P8, Perforex and Wire Terminal
Our successfull team at the start oft he Businessmarathon 2024.
Unbeatable expertise combined in one project. Countdown ends in May.
New year-end order peak requires additional employees
Trainee with the Best Performance 2023
How charitable contributions provide sustainable help.
Managing Director Gerald Kreiner reigns victorious
What rock ‘n’ roll and control cabinets have in common
one Mission
How BT-Anlagenbau makes history
Satisfied private customers give their feedback
A highly interesting workplace for motivated employees
How BT-Anlagenbau rethinks switch cabinet wiring and delivers on time
Because careers don't care about gender
Trainee with the Best Performance 2022
ECE-LOG builds warehouse on a production hall in Slovenia and Styrians benefit.
Styrian Inmoov reborn BT-Anlagenbau robotics team was awarded!
at BT-Anlagenbau
How work-life balance can work.
Award for the “Das Ritter – Innovation trifft Vision” project. And the HSE-team was there!
Anniversary celebrations in Ludersdorf
Bangok: HTL Weiz wins world championship title with the inmoov BT-Anlagenbau humanoid robot.
The robotics team from HTL Weiz wins by a large margin in the most important competition in the industry.
Remarkably international
As a result, the company is looking for new employees
Mentoring programme for BT-Anlagenbau prospects