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BT-Anlagenbau news archive

Das HSE-team schließt PV-Projekt bei Magirus Lohr ab

Into the next era of energy without any worries

The HSE-team completes solar power project at Magirus Lohr.


BT-Anlagenbau News: Schaltanlagenfertigung Next Level

Switchgear manufacturing Next Level

BT-Anlagenbau works with EPLAN Pro Panel P8, Perforex and Wire Terminal


Running Team „BT-Anlagenbau / ECE-LOG“

Our successfull team at the start oft he Businessmarathon 2024.


Project Paloma reaches its final phase

Unbeatable expertise combined in one project. Countdown ends in May.


The adventure continues

New year-end order peak requires additional employees


Trainee & Mentor of the Year 2023

Trainee with the Best Performance 2023



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BT-Anlagenbau is the future

How charitable contributions provide sustainable help.


BT-Anlagenbau Schnapsen card playing tournament 2023

Managing Director Gerald Kreiner reigns victorious


BT-Anlagenbau at the dance hall

What rock ‘n’ roll and control cabinets have in common



18 languages

one Mission



Next-Level switchgear manufacturing

How BT-Anlagenbau makes history



Fit for the future with solar power systems

Satisfied private customers give their feedback


ECE-LOG The general contractor

A highly interesting workplace for motivated employees


Safety provides Safety

How BT-Anlagenbau rethinks switch cabinet wiring and delivers on time


Girls‘ Day 2023 at BT-Anlagenbau

Because careers don't care about gender


Trainee & Mentor of the Year 2022

Trainee with the Best Performance 2022



Construction finesse with added value for the region

ECE-LOG builds warehouse on a production hall in Slovenia and Styrians benefit.

Carinthia promotes talent

Styrian Inmoov reborn BT-Anlagenbau robotics team was awarded!


Schnapsen card playing tournament 2022

at BT-Anlagenbau


High demands on employers

How work-life balance can work.


Provincial Energy Globe STYRIA AWARD 2022

Award for the “Das Ritter – Innovation trifft Vision” project. And the HSE-team was there!

BT-Anlagenbau turns 35 - a reason to celebrate!

Anniversary celebrations in Ludersdorf


World champions in the news

Bangok: HTL Weiz wins world championship title with the
inmoov BT-Anlagenbau humanoid robot.

Mister inmoov wins in RoboCup Junior Austrian Open 2022

The robotics team from HTL Weiz wins by a large margin in the most
important competition in the industry.

BT-Anlagenbau speaks 15 languages

Remarkably international


BT-Anlagenbau News - Auftragsverdoppelung

Double order intake

As a result, the company is looking for new employees


BT-Anlagenbau News - Trainee of the year

Trainee of the Year 2021: Marvin Rath

Mentoring programme for BT-Anlagenbau prospects

Technology is tasty

BT-Anlagenbau is changing the food industry.


Supported learning

We host our mentored class, the 3AHET at HTL Weiz


Efficiency is the future

BT-Anlagenbau shows its colours.



BT-Anlagenbau at the theatre

Modernisation of the Finnish Suomen Kansallisteatteri National Theatre


News - Essity Großauftrag

Major order from Essity France

ECE-LOG successful in Gien


BT-Anlagenbau - News - Health and Safety first

Health & Safety First

Management declares priority target.


BT-Anlagenbau - News - Umruestung und Aufruestung

Conversion & Upgrade

stapla from Albersdorf enjoys an all-round service.


BT-Anlagenbau - News - Techniker werden Gaertner

Technicians become gardeners

BT-Anlagenbau independently rehabilitates biotope.


BT-Anlagenbau - News - Schaltschrankfertigung

Control cabinet manufacturing 4.1

BT-Anlagenbau has made a great deal of progress in the manufacturing of control cabinets in recent years.

BT-Anlagenbau - News - Gesucht Geklickt Gefunden

Wanted. Clicked. Found.

What Tinder is for the world of dating, the Competence Atlas is for the Styrian industry.

BT-Anlagenbau - News - Hyperspektralanalyse

Hyperspectralanalysis - the next level

Continuous quality control for consistently high quality products

Maintenance and Upgrades

Professional solutions for industrial operations


BT-Anlagenbau - News - Trainee of the Year 2019

Trainees of the Year 2019

As a training enterprise, BT-Anlagenbau has won multiple awards in Austria


BT-Anlagenbau - News - Roboter nimmt Preis entgegen

Robot receives prize

Teaching projects in Styrian schools that are particularly innovative have been awarded prizes at the IMST Network Day.

BT-Anlagenbau News - Wir gratulieren zum Staatsmeistertitel 2019!

We extend our congratulations for the State Championship Title 2019!

It makes us very proud when we support highly talented students.

BT-Anlagenbau - News - Wo die Zukunft sitzt

Where the future lies

BT-Anlagenbau supports schools in the region with laboratory equipment


BT-Anlagenbau - News - Das HSE team beschleunigt

HSE team speeds up the pace

The largest project in the HSE team's 14-year history was completed successfully in January 2020.

BT-Anlagenbau News - BT-Anlagenbau ermöglicht dem Robotic-Team der HTL Weiz Erstaunliches


World championship, humanoid robot and the longed-for trip to Sydney.


BT-Anlagenbau News - Gleinalmtunnel

A large-scale project comes to an end

On 20 December 2019 the second, long awaited tube of the Gleinalm Tunnel will be opened.

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High Flying in Bulgaria

Working on a dry mortar plant for Baumit in Yambol, Bulgaria, proved to be quite a climatic stress test.

BT-Anlagenbau News - Fundermax

80,000 metres of cable installed at temperatures of 40°C

At the end of September 2019, BT-Anlagenbau finished work at one of its most challenging construction sites.

BT-Anlagenbau News - Trainee of the Year 2018

Trainee of the Year 2018

The traditional annual challenge for the best apprentice was decided this time by Daniel Schnur, a trainee in the third year of training.

BT-Anlagenbau - News - zwei steirische Riesen feiern

Celebration of two Styrian giants

The two Gleisdorf companies celebrate the 10,000th switch cabinet.

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Quality improves well-being

After just 15 months of construction, the new high-bay warehouse in Mannheim was handed over to Essity at the beginning of August 2018.

BT-Anlagenbau News - Unsichtbar aber oho

Nothing to look at, but don’t be fooled!

Noticeable. White. Half covered with a tarpaulin. That's how it stands, the container.

BT-Anlagenbau - News - Qualitaetskontrolle der Zukunft

Quality control for the future

The demands on product quality are increasing in every industry.


BT-Anlagenbau News - Messe Control

International quality assurance trade fair

BT-Anlagenbau is also presenting unique products at Control this year.

BT-Anlagenbau News - Dr. Feuerstein

Highest precision - Dr. Franz Feuerstein

BT-Anlagenbau was able to complete a high-bay warehouse extension in just 10 months.

BT-Anlagenbau - News - HSE team Großauftrag Ulmgasse Graz

HSE-team Großauftrag Major contract in Ulmgasse, Graz successfully completed

130 apartments with complete heating and sanitary installations.

BT-Anlagenbau - News - BT-Anlagenbau ist Siemens Sivacon Lizenzpartner

BT-Anlagenbau is Siemens Sivacon S8 Licensing Partner

The circle of suppliers of the SIEMENS SIVACON S8 is small and select.

BT-Anlagenbau - News - BT-Anlagenbau erweitert die Erholungsraeumlichkeiten der Mitarbeiter auf 140 m2

BT-Anlagenbau has extended the recreational facilities for its employees to 140 m2.

Recreation room renovated and expanded to 140 m2.

BT-Anlagenbau - News - OEsterreich wurde vom ECE-LOGistig team der HTL-Weiz vertreten

Austria was represented by the ECE-LOGistic Team Austria of the HTL Weiz.

First Robot Olympics in Washington, D.C., USA

BT-Anlagenbau - News - Videos Robotic-team HTL-Weiz

Videos Robotic-Team HTL Weiz:

here are the links.


BT-Anlagenbau - News - Damit trumpft Magna auf und schafft Leistungssteigerung

Magna takes a leap forward and increases performance.

After only 9 months of construction, Magna was able to put a new body shop and SKD center into operation.

BT-Anlagenbau - News - Die Qualifizierung zur RoboCup-WM laeuft

Qualifying for the RoboCup World Championship is now in progress.

The RoboCupJunior will be held in Weiz this year.

BT-Anlagenbau - News - Die professionelle Loesung fuer Gewerbe und Industrie

Professional solutions for industrial operations

Systems are the heart of every business.


BT-Anlagenbau - News - Lehrling Andreas Posch

Apprentice Andreas Posch at RoboCup 2016

The ECE-LOGistic-Team Austria of the HTL Weiz took part in the world championship of intelligent robots.

BT-Anlagenbau - News - Innovative Rollpalettenfertigung ermoeglicht oesterreichische Weltschoepfung

Roll pallet production enables Austrian added value.

Pre-assembly in the new assembly hall in Brodingberg.

BT-Anlagenbau - News - BT-Anlagenbau wirkt bei steirischem Großprojekt mit

BT-Anlagenbau works on large infrastructure project.

Commissioned the production of all control cabinets, control and terminal boxes for the Gleinalm tunnel.

BT-Anlagenbau News - 2-facher Roboter Staatsmeister

HTL Weiz is national robotics champion in two categories!

The HTL Weiz has been taking part in the Robocup since 2006 and has already had some successes.

BT-Anlagenbau - News - Großprojekt bei Magna Steyr Fahrzeugtechnik Graz startet

Large project for Magna Steyr Graz begins.

Magna body shop extension and construction of the fully automated high-bay warehouse.

BT-Anlagenbau - News - Die Control 2016 war fuer die BT-Anlagenbau ein voller Erfolg

Control 2016 was a big success for BT-Anlagenbau.

BT-Anlagenbau was at Control in Stuttgart for the first time.

BT-Anlagenbau News - Trainee of the year 2015

Trainee with the Best Performance 2015

The “Trainees of the Year” were awarded at the BT-Anlagenbau Christmas party.

BT-Anlagenbau - News - Die Robocup-Preistraeger in der BT-Anlagenbau

The Robocup award winners in the BT-Anlagenbau

BT-Anlagenbau received a visit from the award-winning ECE-LOGistik Team Austria from HTL Weiz.

BT-Anlagenbau - News - BT-Anlagenbau beim Jobday

BT-Anlagenbau at Jobday 2015

On October 7th and 8th, 2015 around 1000 schoolchildren came to the Kunsthaus Weiz to find out about possible career paths.

BT-Anlagenbau - News - BT-Anlagenbau praesentiert HSP Food Analyzer auf internationaler Fachmesse

BT-Anlagenbau presents the HSP Food Analyzer at an international trade fair.

Quality control has never been so easy.

BT-Anlagenbau - News - BT-Anlagenbau erneut unter Top Ten Lehrbetrieben Oesterreichs

Best Austrian training enterprise in the logistics industry!

The Ministry of Economics awarded the state prize “Best Training Companies”.

BT-Anlagenbau - News - HTL-Weiz und Polytechnikum Pischelsdorf auf Exkursion bei BT-Anlagenbau

HTL Weiz and Polytechnic Pischelsdorf on excursion to BT-Anlagenbau.

The annual “Take Tech” action days provided insights.

BT-Anlagenbau - News - Das ECE-LOGistik Team Austria der HTL Weiz hat den Robocup 2015 in China gewonnen

The ECE-LOGistik Team Austria of HTL Weiz won the RoboCup 2015 in China.

The ECE-LOGistik-Team Austria at the RoboCup in China.

BT-Anlagenbau - News Archiv - BT-Anlagenbau kontrolliert Auslieferung mit Schockindikatoren

BT-Anlagenbau monitors consignments with shock indicators.

Quality is everything. Technicians, materials, design, fabrication – all of these aspects are interrelated and must be traceable.

BT-Anlagenbau - News Archiv - Erfahrungsberichte

Trainees report

Report from Melvin Schabel and Moritz Kirchpal.



BT-Anlagenbau - News Archiv - Das groeßte Projekt in der Geschichte der BT-Anlagenbau ist erfolgreich abgeschlossen

JTI: The biggest project in the history of BT-Anlagenbau is finished.

The official opening ceremony for the biggest project of BT-Anlagenbau to date took place on 11 June 2015.

BT-Anlagenbau - News Archiv - Der Praesentationswettbewerb fuer Lehrlinge geht in die 11te Runde

Young teammates did us proud at the 11th presentation competition for trainees in Styria.

Excellent employees really begin to flourish when they get encouragement, responsibility and feedback. So we make sure that at BT-Anlagenbau everyone…

BT-Anlagenbau - News Archiv - Wie sich eine Marke erfolgreich auf der LogiMAT 2015 praesentiert

Successful Presentation at LogiMAT 2015

With more than 1100 exhibitors from 27 countries, in a show covering 85,000 m2 of floor area, the LogiMAT in Stuttgart is one of the most important…

BT-Anlagenbau - News Archiv - Die BT-Anlagenbau investiert schon heute in die Ingenieure von morgen

BT-Anlagenbau is investing today in the technicians of tomorrow.

First-class know-how, precise work and high motivation are what make the BT-Anlagenbau team special. Because we naturally want to keep it that way, we…

BT-Anlagenbau - News Archiv - Trainee with the best performance 2014

Trainee with the Best Performance 2014

2014 was the second year of the BT-Anlagenbau Trainees of the Year awards. Following the highly successful first year, the trainees were fired up and…

BT-Anlagenbau - News Archiv - Das Bilderkennungssystem in der Logistik

The image recognition system for logistics

Quality control is not just a buzz-word, it is an essential function of any automated production process. With the CX Vision System, BT-Anlagenbau…

BT-Anlagenbau - News Archiv - Team ECE-LOGistik Austria

Team ECE-LOGistik Austria

BT-Anlagenbau is main sponsor of the robotics team of HTL Weiz and will be following their fortunes with interest in the run-up to the 2015 RoboCup in…