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Where the future lies

BT-Anlagenbau supports schools in the region with laboratory equipment


You cannot stop progress. With advanced technology and the great number of creative scientists and innovative inventors, products evolve rapidly and are continuously replaced by something that is faster, better and safer. A product can still have the same long life cycle, but today it becomes outdated much more quickly. Updates, upgrades and new products.

BT-Anlagenbau has always been state of the art. This means that over time there is an accumulation of older models of electrical components. These are still modern units, but not quite as cutting-edge as the parts that are currently in use by BT-Anlagenbau. As part of the support to local collages, these parts have been made available at no cost to the HTL Weiz, HTL Graz and the Landesberufsschule Eibiswald, State Vocational School, as a result of a recent reorganisation of the production stores. Being close to the vocational colleges and above all to the pupils has been important to BT-Anlagenbau for many years. For example, support has been given to the ROBOTIC team at HTL Weiz for the last 4 years, while much time, energy and enthusiasm is invested in apprenticeship and trainee campaigns and a lot of thought and attention is given to fairs and exhibitions for young people. Because when a young person discovers an interest in technology, support early on can help fulfil their dreams. And such dreams often begin with a summer work experience placement, or even directly with an apprenticeship or a permanent position. You can find out more about current job offers at
