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Qualifying for the RoboCup World Championship is now in progress.

The RoboCupJunior will be held in Weiz this year.

On your marks, ready, steady - code!

The RoboCupJunior event this year will not be carried out anywhere else other than in Weiz. On 21 and 22 April 2017, young people will have the opportunity to pit themselves against each other and qualify for the 2017 World Cup in Nagoya, Japan.

As usual, young programmers, in the age ranges of 10 to 14 and 15 to 19, get to show how tasks in the disciplines of Soccer, Onstage, Rescue and Cospace Rescue can be solved with creativity and innovation.

The ECE-LOGISTIC Team Austria, from the HTL Weiz college, can proudly reflect on its successful record, with 6 state and 5 world championship titles. As the main sponsor of these creative minds, BT-Anlagenbau is very proud of their achievements and wishes them good luck in the qualifying round.
